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The SPE Europe Energy Conference Committee invites you to be part of this transformative event by submitting a paper proposal for potential inclusion in the technical programme. Make a difference to the progress of the energy transition and present your expertise and innovations.

Call for papers is now closed.


We will be utilising OnePetro and SCOPUS for the publishing of papers.


Technical Session Topics:

Special Session:

Romania 2027: Sustainable and secure ramp-up of Europe's gas supply leveraging on new frontier offshore areas

Romania is set to be the the #1 gas producer (and net exporter) in Europe by 2027. The fast discovery and production of Neptun field in the Black Sea opens up novel and frontier (deep offshore) production areas for Europe, key to Europe's energy security. We are welcoming technical papers focused on the technicities of this novel production basin, from reservoir to production. The session will also highlight the peculiarities of managing a sustainable and secure ramp-up of a new gas production area in the UE zone and under UE regulations.

Please submit your paper into the Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industry category and include Romania 2027 in your paper title (this can be adjusted if required later in the process)

Capture, utilisation and storage of fluids in the subsurface

  • CO2
  • Hydrogen
  • Natural gas
  • Nitrogen
  • Air
  • Coal gasification

Extraction of heat (geothermal) and materials (e.g. metals) from the subsurface fluids

  • High and medium enthalpy 
  • Recovery of lithium and/or other metals from enriched brines
  • Application of innovative technologies
  • Water desalination
  • Rare earth elements
  • Solution mining

Plant conversion to adapt the existing infrastructures to the new needs of energy and material compatibility

  • Pipelines for hydrogen and CO2 transport
  • Wells for underground storage

Carbon efficient reservoir management

  • CCUS
  • NetZero reservoir operations
  • Decarbonising onshore and offshore operations
  • Well-to-wheel CO2 reduction
  • EOR
  • Reservoir characterisation, modelling and simulation
  • Novel well testing and design for Geoenergy reservoirs
  • Geoenergy reservoir management under uncertainty and risk
  • Geophysics - Exploration and appraisal of new geoenergy resources
  • Microtechnologies

NetZero energy economics

  • Circular economics
  • Economics of the environment and carbon
  • Macro economics of the energy industry
  • Investor relations and drivers
  • Security of energy supply through the energy transition
  • Macro and micro Geoenergy projects
  • Energy industry forecasting and strategies

Machine learning, AI and digitisation for lower margin operations

  • Use of machine learning and AI in subsurface operations and reservoir optimisation
  • Reducing impact through better use of data
  • Improved decision-making

Sustainability in the energy industry

  • Human and environmental safety
  • HSE
  • Socioeconomic impacts of the energy transition
  • Stakeholders in reservoir developments
  • Decision-making under uncertainty and risk
  • Education and outreach for the energy transition
  • NetZero business structures for current E&P businesses
  • Sociological impacts of the energy industry
  • Security of energy supply


Paper Submission Guidelines

1.     It is essential that you obtain clearance from your management BEFORE paper submission.
2.    The abstract must be no more than 450 words in length. Include a description of the proposed paper, results/conclusions, and the technical category applicable to your paper.
3.    The abstract must be received by the deadline of Monday 5 February 2024 via the link online.
4.    Do not include the title or author names in the body of the abstract. The title and author information will be requested separately through the submission.
5.    Do not include tables, figures, bibliographic lists, or subscripts in your abstract.
6.    Please note that, if accepted, your paper proposal may be published – as submitted – in conference information media, including on the SPE website.
7.    Authors whose paper proposals are accepted will be required to provide a manuscript for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Authors who do not submit a manuscript and the associated publication forms by the manuscript due date will be withdrawn from the programme and will not be allowed to present. Manuscripts will be due at SPE no later than Monday 6 May 2024.
8.    All accepted authors must complete their conference registration no later than Monday 27 May 2024, in order to be included and confirmed in the technical programme.
9.    Please note: if you are interested in having a technical paper published without presenting at a conference, you should submit the paper as an unsolicited manuscript. For more details, please visit

Important Information

Changes, Cancellations and Withdrawals
SPE and the Programme Committee consider an accepted abstract as a commitment to present.
If extenuating circumstances prevent the author from making the presentation, it is that author’s obligation to find an alternative presenter and notify their SPE Programme Lead and their session chair(s) (if applicable). Withdrawals must be made in writing to the SPE office as soon as possible. Under no circumstances can a submitted abstract be changed once it has been submitted. Cancellations, particularly after a paper has been accepted and publicised, are viewed by the Programme Committee as highly unprofessional.

All authors of papers presented at the conference will be required to complete and submit a copyright release form to SPE or submit the copyright exemption form where applicable.

SPE Conference Dual Submission Policy
As of 1 May 2013 authors will be allowed to submit abstracts to only one conference at a time. An abstract must be declined by a programme committee prior to being submitted to another conference for consideration. In the event it is detected that an abstract has been submitted to more than one conference, all versions/copies of that abstract will be removed from consideration.
Any paper previously presented at a conference and published in OnePetro may not be re-submitted for publication at another SPE conference. The author may present the subject matter at subsequent conferences at the invitation of the programme committee, but the paper will not be included in the conference proceedings.

A Word About Commercialism
SPE has a stated policy against use of commercial trade names, company logos or text that is commercial in tone in the paper title, text, or presentation slides. Use of such terms will result in careful scrutiny by the Programme Committee in evaluation paper proposals and the presence of commercialism in the paper will result in it being withdrawn from the programme.

Plagiarism Check
We expect authors to credit all sources used in their writings and not to represent work of others as their own. Authors found to have plagiarised the work of another are subject to having their paper removed from the conference programme and from OnePetro. Future submissions from authors found to have plagiarised will be scrutinised carefully. In the case of students found to be plagiarising the work of others, SPE may inform the student’s university. In an effort to further improve SPE’s technical quality standards, all submitted conference papers will be checked for plagiarism.

Company Approval
It is the responsibility of the author to obtain company clearance, to ensure the company understands that if the proposal is accepted, you will be required to travel to the event to present. All travel expenses (airfare, hotel, registration) associated with attending the conference are the responsibility of company or individual attending.

Scholarly Indexing

All published SPE content is submitted to scholarly indexing tools, such as Scopus and Google Scholar. To guarantee indexing, SPE recommends submitting your published paper after the conference to a peer-reviewed journal such as SPE Journal.