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SPE Workshop: Reservoirs of Knowledge – Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Oil & Gas
29–31 January 2024 | Kananaskis Mountain Lodge | Kananaskis, Canada

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SPE Workshop: Reservoirs of Knowledge – Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Oil & Gas
29–31 January 2024 | Kananaskis Mountain Lodge | Kananaskis, Canada


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  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: Mike Davies, Turing Analytics; Kim Oracheski, Strathcona Resources

    The data landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and the future promises to be even more transformative. In this enlightening panel session, visionary experts will come together to explore the upcoming frontiers of the data space. They will discuss emerging trends, technologies, and paradigm shifts that will shape the future of data.


    Kim Oracheski, Data Analyst - Strathcona Resources


    David Chan, Product Lead, Industry - AMII

    Suraj Chandrasekaran, Senior Manager, Solution Engineering - Salesforce

    Ryan Heal, Canada Regional Vice President - Databricks

    Joseph Johansson, Senior Solutions Architect - AWS

  1. 90 mins
  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairpersons: David Fulford, EIV Capital ; Justo Sanchez, ConocoPhillips Canada

    As the oil and gas industry evolves, machine learning has become an indispensable tool for optimizing operations and decision-making. Join us in these insightful technical presentations where experts will share their experiences in implementing machine learning in the field. From predictive maintenance to reservoir management, explore the practical applications of cutting-edge technology and discover how it's reshaping the energy sector.


    Seismic Denoising: Enhancing Subsurface Geology Understanding via Autoencoder Neural Networks
    Vahid Dehdari, ConocoPhillips Canada

    KA-pow! Frac Workflows
    Pierce Anderson, ARC Resources

  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Hayden Fiege, Cenovus; Derrick Turk, terminus, LLC

    The era of relational data monoculture has ended. While "NoSQL" made waves, the rise of "big data" and truly distributed computing has changed the conversation from "unstructured data" to "differently structured data". Time-series databases, vector databases, message queues, stream processing, columnar storage, even blockchains - how are practitioners choosing and using the right tools from our fuller-than-ever toolbox?


    Mímir: Retrieval-Augmented Generation in Action
    Rubén Amórtegui, SAGA Wisdom

    Automating Results Engineers Use Every Day - Devon Case Study
    Graham Helfrick, Whitson

    Modern Data Architecture for Energy Investment Analysis
    Doug McMaster and Artem Chebotko, ComboCurve


  1. 90 mins
  1. 60 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Scott McKean, Chevron; Scott Pinckston, Crescent Point Energy; Sheldon Wall, Consultant

    There is a lot of hype around technology stacks, massively scaled compute, and fancy models. But many companies and practitioners realize a lot of value by keeping things simple and truly delivering a 'minimal viable product'. But what does that mean in terms of real-world solutions that don't die in a proof-of-concept graveyard?  In this session, we will challenge three speakers to go over the strategies they used to 'keep it simple' and knock real-world problems out of the park. Each presenter has 15 minutes to introduce their topic, followed by a guided Q&A session.


    Deciphering Alberta's Production Volumes: Simple Models for a Complex Problem
    Jim Le, Crescent Point Energy

    CNRL's Approach to Analytics for Creating Value
    JP Portelli, Canadian Natural

    Enverus's Approach in UI Design for Maximum User Input
    Curtis Hess, Enverus

  1. 30 mins
  1. 60 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Mariem Akrout, AI.Energy; Katherine Turk, terminus, LLC

    With the breakthrough of Large Language Models and Generative AI, we find ourselves flooded with a constant stream of AI tools, each claiming to be the next big thing. The hype surrounding new chatbots, programming assistants, and automation promises seems never-ending. But when we pull back the curtain, what do we find?


    Unraveling the Hype: Assessing the Impact of Generative AI
    Mervin van der Spuy, Accenture

    AI Case Studies in Unconventionals
    Brandon Myers, Novi

  1. 15 mins
  1. 75 mins

    Topic #1: The Evolution of Oil and Gas Digital Transformation Roadmaps Through the Lens of AI Breakthroughs

    Facilitators: Mariem Akrout, AI Energy, and Mark Derry, Cenovus

    This breakout session explores the dynamic evolution of Digital Transformation Roadmaps, examining them through the perspective of pioneering AI breakthroughs. Participants will uncover the profound impact of the latest advancements in artificial intelligence on the formation and enhancement of pathways within digital transformation strategies. The session encourages engaging discussions, insights, and the examination of practical examples that vividly illustrate AI's revolutionary role in reshaping and advancing the terrain of digital transformation roadmaps.

    Topic #2: Build and/or Buy? The Eternal Debate

    Facilitators: Derrick Turk and Katherine Turk, terminus, LLC

    To build, or not to build: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the budget to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous SaaS contracts, or to write code against a sea of troubles, and by opposing increase them?
    Participate in a spirited discussion on all the factors - technical, economic, and organizational - that can drive the decision to "build" software internally vs "buy" an off-the-shelf product. What are the key factors that nudge the decision? The moderators are on different sides of this issue, come weigh in!

    Topic #3: Industry Collaboration

    In this breakout session, participants will explore collaboration techniques for growing data science within and across organizations. The goal will be to come away with tangible tips and techniques participants can implement within their teams and organizations to increase knowledge sharing and core competencies around data and data decision making. 

    Facilitators: Dan Elliott, PETRONAS Canada, and David Vu, Suncor

  1. 90 mins
  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Dan Elliott, PETRONAS Canada; David Vu, Suncor; Sheldon Wall, Consultant

    Success! We celebrate success and successful people in our culture. This focus potentially blinds us to the many failures that exist around us. We are working in a time of much hype and promise around AI and other tools, yet many surveys still report that 80% of AI projects will not make it to production. We are excited for our speakers who are willing to share some projects and ideas that didn’t work. In sharing these ‘failed’ projects there are lots of opportunities to learn from the mistakes, oversights, or just bad timing that might have led to its downfall. Socrates reminds us that the unexamined life is not worth living and this session will provide an opportunity to examine the “life of a project.”


    Decoding Setbacks: Unveiling Patterns of Failure in AI/ML/Analytics Implementation within Energy Companies
    Mervin van der Spuy, Accenture

    What Has and Hasn't Stuck: Lessons Learned in Analytics and Machine Learning From an Independent Evaluator's Journey
    Ryan Campbell, GLJ

    Unbeaten Baseline-Predicting ROP
    Phuc Nguyen and Nathan Tsang, ARC Resources


  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Shayne Chidlaw, Rife Resources; David Cooper, Kobold Inc.

    Leading a data analytics team demands a unique blend of strategic vision, talent development, and cultural stewardship. In this panel session, data analytics leaders will convene to share their insights and experiences in navigating the dynamic landscape of data-driven decision-making.


    Shayne Chidlaw, Team Lead, Innovation & Analytics - Rife Resources


    Henry Hy, Team Lead, Data and Analytics - Strathcona Resources

    Pete Singbeil, Exploitation/Operations - Advantage Oil & Gas

    Michael Tenove, Data Science & Cloud Solution Supervisor - ConocoPhillips Canada


  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Pierce Anderson, ARC Resources; Monica Brookwell, Birchcliff Energy; Mark Derry, Cenovus

    We often see amazing case studies and spectacularly implemented projects at conferences, but what happens after the win is celebrated and the core team goes home? In this session, presenters follow up on past successes and share how these projects continued to evolve.


    Products to Profit 2.0 – Lessons from Crossing the Chasm
    Jocelyn McMinn, Peloton

    The Evolution of the First Regulator-Approved Predictive Emissions Model in Alberta – Workflows and Tools
    Hayden Fiege and Brett Wiens, Cenovus

    Advancing Remote Operations & Real Time Production Analytics
    Sean Urquhart, PETRONAS Canada


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