02 Global Learnings from Regional Challenges
Wednesday, 14 August
Grand Ballroom AB
Technical and Invited Presenter
Within subsea interventions globally, different innovative solutions often develop to overcome diverse regional challenges – including weather patterns, regulatory environments, and resource availability. This session shines a light on case studies from Brazil, the Caspian Sea, and the UK that share specific challenges, solutions, and learnings from these regions.
1500-1530Rigless Shallow Water Well Abandonment Campaign In Brazil
1530-1600Riserless Light Well Intervention In A Remote Location - BP - Oceaneering
1600-1630Deep Plug Strategy For Light Well Intervention Vessel (LWIV) Plug & Lubricate (P&L) Operations
AlternateRiserless Light Well Intervention Harsh Environment Challenges - BP - Helix Well Ops (United Kingdom)