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SPE Oilfield Scale Symposium 
5 - 6 June 2024 | The Aberdeen Altens Hotel, Aberdeen, Scotland


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Integrating Digital Tools to Optimise Scale Management - Case Studies

05 Jun 2024

A keynote presentation is selected by the symposium committee as it is one of the highest rated abstracts submitted in the call for papers.

This paper (SPE 217800) will describe the suite of cloud based ‘digital twin’ tools that bp has developed and is integrating into its operations, providing on-line, real-time calculation of the scale risk and the health of the barrier deployed to manage the risk on a well-by-well basis. The paper will present two field case studies where the suite of tools, integrated into a dashboard, have been implemented. Information is crucial for effective scale management, and it is often the case that scaling events could have been avoided if operations were aware of the evolving risk in real time.


Integrating Digital Tools to Optimise Scale Management - Case Studies

Hugh Bourne, Garry Keilty, Kasper Kuijpers, Shaun Hosein, bp; Baard Kaasa, ScaleConsul AS

Myles Jordan - ChampionX
Hugh Bourne - bp

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OLI systems



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  Herriot Watt University