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2025 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition
4–6 February 2025
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center | The Woodlands, Texas, USA

Please Note: We collect and share personal information that you provide to us in order to communicate with, and provide information and services to, you regarding the event.  We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal information for these reasons.  For more information, please see our privacy policy.

Exhibition Schedule - Including Move-In & Move-Out Details

 Exhibition Schedule

Rules and Regulations 

Show Days:

  • No one under the age of 15 on the show floor during show hours.
  • Anyone accessing the show floor must have an official conference badge.
  • Exhibitors may access the show floor early on show days. See the official Exhibition Schedule for specific hours.

Move-In and Move Out:

  • Exhibitor Move-In starts Sunday, 2 February goes through Monday, 3 February.  
  • Due to safety reasons, no open-toed shoes during move in or move out.  Violators will be asked to leave the exhibit floor.
  • No pets on the exhibit floor.  Service dogs are approved with proper credentials.
  • No one under the age of 18 on the show floor during move-in or move out.
  • No loading or unloading through the Marriott lobby.
  • Anyone requiring access to the show floor must have an official show badge or a wristband.
  • If bringing oversized/large equipment, please complete the Heavy Equipment Form, so that special arrangements can be made to allow access for transport to your booth space.
  • Move-out starts at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 5 February.  
  • Early tear-down, vacating or dis-mantling your booth is strictly prohibited. Failure to observe this rule will result in a fine of USD $1,000. Should an Exhibitor begin to dismantle or vacate its exhibit space before the official close of the show, the Exhibitor will be penalized ten (10) points from their priority point total, if applicable, invoiced USD $1,000, and be subject to loss of their right to participate in future SPE events. Floor managers/Exhibit Staff/Security Staff will report the names of companies in violation of this rule to Show Management. An email along with an invoice will be sent post-show, informing Exhibitors of their penalty, and Exhibitor will not be permitted to participate in future SPE events until all outstanding balances are collected. Exhibitors are responsible for notifying their booth personnel of this regulation. In fairness to all Exhibitors, this regulation will be uniformly enforced for all SPE Exhibitors.
  • Please see the full list of Rules and Regulations linked above.

Late Move-In
If you plan to begin your booth set up after 2:00 pm on Monday 3 February, it is mandatory that you complete a Late Move-In Notification Form.  It is imperative that late set ups order electricity, internet, and furniture prior to 3 February 2025.  If the exhibitor does not notify show management of a late arrival, said exhibitor will be presumed a no-show and the exhibit space will be re-sold or made into a lounge area.

Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) 

  • Someone must remain with the vehicle at all times while at the loading dock.
  • No loading or unloading through the Marriott lobby

Click here to view map

Housing Information 

Accommodations are NOT included in the registration fee, but SPE has arranged a room block to save you time and money. 

Call the hotel directly and provide the group code SPE, or click the link below to book your hotel room at the attendee rate. 

To avoid online housing scams, book your housing only through the official link provided below or directly with the hotel.

Official Conference Hotel

The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center
1601 Lake Robbins Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77380 US
+1. 281.367.9797

The room rate is 257 USD.

Book Your Room Now 

The SPE rate is guaranteed until 10 January 2025.

Please do not accept housing solicitations from any other company stating they are associated with Hydraulic Fracturing.

Exhibitor Registration Information 



Registration Instructions (includes guest invitation instructions) - PDF

Each exhibiting company receives three (3) complimentary Full Conference Exhibitor Registrations per 100 square feet of booth space purchased for the purpose of registering booth personnel and any third party contractors. (EAC's)

Additional exhibitor full conference registrations may be purchased (up to 2 times the complimentary allotment) at the rate of USD 400 / USD 425 / USD 450 each.

Paid Exhibitor Registration Deadlines and Rates:

  • by 6 January - USD 400
  • 7 January - 2 February - USD 425
  • 3-6 February - USD 450

Complimentary and paid exhibitor registrations includes access to the exhibition – early access to the exhibit floor (1 hour before opening), technical sessions, coffee breaks, lunches (must select lunch shift), reception, and one digital proceedings code (sent to the exhibitor contact).

Update Your Company Profile, Add a Co-Exhibitor

Contracted Exhibitors

Contracted Exhibitors receive a complimentary full listing which includes:

  • Company Name
  • Booth Number
  • Website URL
  • Company Address, Phone Numbers
  • Email Address
  • Welcome Message (limit 60 Characters)
  • Profile description in the digital program
  • Online Profile (limit 500 Characters)
  • 6 Product Categories (online only)

Your exhibitor profile is an attendee's first impression of your company, so it is very important to make sure this information is up to date and reads exactly as you wish for it to appear in your online listing. To get started, please log into the Exhibitor Portal using your unique, case sensitive company password (found on your booth space confirmation letter). If you are in need of password assistance, please email SPE. Once you have logged in, click "Edit Company Listing" and then make your updates. It is imperative that you click on ‘Save’ regardless of whether or not changes are made, this will alert management that your profile has been reviewed.

 Deadline to update profile for the on-site digital program is 5 December.  After this date, we can't guarantee it will make our on-site program.

Add Co-Exhibitors

The following may be added to your account as co-exhibitors:

  • Sister company
  • Parent company
  • Division
  • Manufacturing/Distributing Company
  • Joint Venture

Co-exhibitors will receive a complimentary basic listing, which includes the items listed above.

To add a co-exhibitor, please complete the Co-Exhibitor Notification Form


Booth Specifications -  Rules and Regulations

Booth Specifications 
Rules and Regulations 

Booth Equipment Included and not included with Booth Space Purchase 
The exhibit hall is carpeted, therefore, ordering carpet is not mandatory. You may purchase or bring color specific carpeting to match your booth design or to help your booth stand out.

Electricity, furniture, and trashcans are NOT included with your booth space purchase and should be ordered separately. Please see the drop downs below for ordering information.

  • Booths that require pipe & drape will be set with an 8' high black back drape, 3’ high black side dividers, and a 11" x 17" one-line identification sign.
  • If you require higher than 8' drape, the expense will be charged to the exhibitor.
  • Back walls that face an exhibitors booth of a Peninsula booth must be clear of all advertising or graphics that would be seen from your neighbors booth.

Certificate of Insurance (COI) (PDF sample)
SPE requires each exhibitor to have insurance; however, proof of coverage is not required.

Photography/AV Recording Regulations
SPE is organized and operated exclusively to promote and further advance scientific and technical knowledge of offshore resources and environmental matters. To maintain the unparalleled technological experience, SPE must enforce a photography and videography policy which will protect the leading-edge technology showcased at the event. Please see the official Rules and Regulations to review the full policy.

Third Party Contractors (EAC’s)

Exhibitors are no longer required to submit paperwork or payment for appointing a contractor. We do recommend that you review the information below and that you follow up with your contractor to ensure all steps have been taken by the posted deadlines.  If you are using and EAC, please direct them to the EAC Agreement Form.

If you have been hired to build/design booth space at this event, it is mandatory that you:

Once your Agreement has been received, you will receive emailed communication stating that you have been approved.

If you need to add additional companies at a later date, please visit this section and submit another request via the online form. Please do not email requests for these additions directly to our email inbox.

EACs needing access to the show floor during show days will need to be registered and badged. Please contact the exhibiting company so they can register your staff using their complimentary registrations.

EACs only needing access to the show floor during set-up and tear-down will not need to be badged. These employees will need to check in at the freight door each morning to obtain a colored wristband. They will be required to provide government-issued photo ID’s.

Please note–failure to follow the aforementioned processes will result in a delay or denial of access to the show floor.

Official Contractors - Order Forms (AV, Catering, Electrical, Furniture, Internet, Lead Retrieval, Freeman Quick Facts - Shipping Information) and Full Exhibitor Kit

Official Contractor - Freeman is our Official Show Decorator.

Exclusive Contractors:

For insurance and safety reasons, Exclusive Contractors designated in the Official Exhibitor Services Manual MUST be used for services such as:

Please contact SPE with any questions. We appreciate your cooperation!

The exhibit hall is carpeted, therefore, ordering carpet is not mandatory. You may purchase or bring color specific carpeting to match your booth design or to help your booth stand out.

Electricity, furniture, and trashcans are NOT included with your booth space purchase and should be ordered separately. Please see the drop downs below for ordering information.

Booths that require pipe & drape will be set with an 8' high black back drape, 3’ high side dividers, and a 11" x 17" one-line identification sign.

Guest Invitations


Guest Invitation Registration Instructions (includes exhibitor registration)

Exhibiting companies will receive three (3) complimentary Guest Invitations per 100 sq. ft. of exhibit space purchased. Invitations are for one day only and will allow your guest to access the exhibit floor.

Additional invitations can be purchased through your registration dashboard.  This information was sent to the primary contact at your company. 

  • Cost of additional Guest Invites - USD 85 each.
  • Purchased Guest Invites are non-refundable. 
  • Guest Invites DO NOT include lunch.
  • Guest invitations are not to be used for your employees/staff or for any other company’s employees/staff exhibiting at this show.  This policy will be heavily enforced.
  • Violating the guest invitation terms can result in a reimbursement penalty and loss of priority points. Multiple violations can result in an inability to exhibit at future SPE shows. 

If you have any questions about this program, please contact our SPE Registration Team.



Lead Retrieval 

Take advantage of Lead Management units offered through Maritz Global Events. Lead Management units will help you track visitors and potential clients who visit your booth.

Lead Retrieval Order Form

Email Maritz Global Events
Ph: +1.877.623.3487

Market Your Exhibit

You can copy & paste the following caption to your social media account or in email, and attach the exhibitor marketing ad:

We’re proud to exhibit at the 2025 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition. Visit our booth to learn about the latest advancements in hydraulic fracturing. We look forward to connecting with industry leaders and innovators.

Register now to visit our booth:

Exhibitor Marketing Ad

Web Banners:

Download show banners and promote your participation on your website and emails:

When you post a banner on your site, be sure to embed the conference website link within the banner image.

Exhibitor Listing:

Update your Exhibitor Listing 

Give your organization maximum exposure to an audience of E&P professionals, including top decision makers, by sponsoring and advertising with SPE.

Find Sponsorship and Advertising opportunities.